10 Eylül 2012 Pazartesi

Kilikyalı Ermenilerin Soykırım anıtı projesi,Cilician Armenians genocide monuments

                                 1920'li yılların başlarında Adana2dan ayrılarab Beyrut'a yerleşen Erkeniler, 2015 yılında hazır olacak Soykırım anıtı yapım çalışmaları devam ediyor.

9 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

Thursday 5 April 2012, Antelias was filled with both old and young, who came to commemorate Jesus’ last days on earth.

In the morning after the Matins, His Holiness Aram I presided over the Liturgy of penitence and the New Covenant. In the afternoon, during the service commemorating Jesus’ washing of the feet of the disciples, His Holiness Aram I washed the feet of 12 priests and seminary students. In his sermon, based on the Gospel reading, Catholicos Aram I said, “Through this humble act, the Son of God showed us God’s profound love towards us all.” He stressed that Jesus’ humility is the essence of Christian life. Only through humility and total giving, stated the Catholicos, can we express true love. True love leads to cooperation among people and respect for one another; this cooperation and respect pave the way to peaceful living. At the end of the ceremony, the faithful took home some of the blessed oil with which the Catholicos had anointed the feet of the seminarians.

The service of Lamentations continued in the evening with commemoration of the passion of Jesus. Friar Hovhannes Saghdjian, the celebrant, preached on the Jesus’ self sacrifice. Amidst prayers and hymns, priests read the seven stories of the passion from the Gospels, and after each reading, each of the faithful made a knot on a thread. According to tradition, people wear this thread with seven knots on their arms until the feast of the Ascension.

At the end of the Lamentations service, His Holiness Aram I blessed the people with a special prayer on the meaning of the wooden cross.


On Good Friday, 6 April 2012, the service of the commemoration of the last days of Jesus’ life came to its conclusion. In the afternoon, the burial vespers service was held with the participation of old and young in front of the ‘tomb of Jesus,’ which was decorated with flowers brought by the faithful. On the ‘tomb’ lay also the reliquorium with a piece of the wood of the cross of Jesus and other liturgical vessels brought from Cilicia.

During the service, His Holiness and the priest took off their cowls knelt in front of the ‘tomb of Jesus’ and performed the funeral service.

In his sermon, His Holiness Aram I said that the tomb of Jesus fills each one of us with a breath of hope, because it is the anticipation of Resurrection. This is the message of hope that we commit ourselves to every year. Addressing the youth, the Catholicos then said, “through the Holy Week you have come to church in large numbers. Your presence among us demonstrates your attachment to the Church, its faith and traditions. You have been the expression of hope that the disciples experienced beyond the empty tomb.

At the end of the vespers His Holiness blessed the people with the reliquorium, and then the faithful passed under the tomb and took a flower from it as a symbol of Christian hope in their lives.
                                                                               source: cilician catholicosate web site

22 Ocak 2012 Pazar


2011 YILI İÇİNDE Shov Tv’de gösterime girin ve 2012 yılı içinde de STAR TV’de gösterilen MUHTEŞEM YÜZYIL dizisinde Kanuni’nin tarihi kişiliği ve Osmanlı’ya ağır saldırılan yapılmaktadır. Batılıların Orientalist düşünceyle 19. Yüzyıl boyunca yaptığı saldırıyı şimdilerde Türkiye’de nüfus kağıtlarında Tv yazan kişilerin eliyle sürdürülmektedir.

Tarihçi Cezmi Yurtsever, Muhteşem Yüzyıl filmine olan tepkisini Osmanlı arşivlerinde Hürrem Sultan ve Kanuni’nin belgelerini (defter ve mektup, ferman) görerek MUHTEŞEM YALANLAR kitabını yazdı ve yayınladı.

- Muhteşem Yalanlar kitabının kısa özeti “Fitne-i Tarih” olarak belirlenmiştir.

Muhteşem Yalanlar kitabı içinde sorgulanan araştırılan ve yazılan başlıca konular:

-Kanuni kız kardeşi Hatice’nin evinde hizmetçi/cariye Sadıka’ya neden TECAVÜZ ETTİRİLDİ?

-Filmde gösterilen SÜMBÜL AĞA neden “PEZEVENK” karakteri olarak sunuluyor?

-Kanuni kendi yazdırdığı kanunlarda kadın ve kıza zorla tecavüz eden kişi için “zeker (penis- s.k) kesin maddesini neden yazdırdı?

-Fatih için “Kardeş katli olabilir” kanunu kimler uydurdu?

-Barbaros ismi tarih kitaplarından silinsin!

-Piri reis’in yazdığı gizli defterinde Amerika kıtasının 1467 yılında keşfedildiğini neden yazdı?

-Türkiye’de 1928 yılında camileri satma kanunu kimler çıkardı? 1928/60 yılları arasında 3000 civarında cami ve mescit neden satıldı?

-Bursa’da Osman Bey’in türbesinin yanına Osmanlı’dan İntikam Anıtını kimler dikti?

-Mehmet Haberal’ın gizli mason dosyasında “İSLAM FİRAVUNLARI” belgeleri neden çıktı?

-Türkiye’de resmi tarih Türk-Amerikan savaşlarını neden yazmaz?

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